Thu, Dec 02, 1999

: Along Came a Spider

Author: James Patterson

Hmmmm. I don’t know about Patterson. His books show great promise, but fail to deliver. This is the book where he introduces his arch-criminal, Gary Soneji. Frankly, I wasn’t impressed. The guy’s a nut, and I don’t mean that in an interesting manner. Basically, the moron lets himself be captured by the police. While there’s nothing wrong with that, since this is supposed to be a book about Detective Cross hunting down the insane killer, it’s quite a letdown when the criminal does all the work for him! There are some interesting developments, including a romance with Cross by a Secret Service woman, but the final third of the book leaves you wondering why you bothered. I read this because they’re supposed to be making this into a film. It might make an okay movie as movies tend to compress things — this book drags out the minimal action over far too many pages. For books like this, the more pages, the bigger the payoff. Unfortunately, Spider (the title’s never explained) goes out with a whimper instead of a bang.

Topic: [/movie]
