Mon, Mar 27, 2000

: Kiss the Girls

Author: James Patterson

I saw the film a while back and it confused me enough I wanted to read the book. The book’s typical annoying Patterson, pretentious and overly dramatic. But a few of the scenes are good, and some of the characters are well done. The casting in the film had always bothered me, but reading the book, I realized it was dead on. As to the “sensational” plot, it was overdone and forced. Can’t he write about anything but psychotic killers? My understanding is that genuine psychotics are rare, but he makes it seem like every one of us has one for a neighbor. It gets old after a while, especially with no explanation. Not a badly written book, but one that promises more than it delivers. At least it reads fast. That’s one thing I do like about Patterson’s stuff.

Topic: [/book]
