Sun, Jul 23, 2000

: Caddyshack

After watching Tiger Woods complete the Grand Slam this morning, I had to watch a golf movie, right? Pretty dumb fun, but Rodney Dangerfield was great as obnoxious wealthy golfer.

Topic: [/movie]


: Site Change

I’ve made a number of changes in how I create this site and that’s enabled me to rearrange the material available here. (I wrote my own database program that exports the necessary HTML.) Now you will find the Past News sorted by month or alphabetical listing, and there’s even a complete listing of everything I’ve posted here. I’ve set this up to make it easier to maintain, especially over the long term, which should make me update it more frequently and allow you to find what interests you. Hope you like it! Be sure to let me know if you experience any problems or broken links.

Topic: [/zweb]
