Tue, Sep 12, 2000

movie: The Beach

Interesting, if somewhat boring film. Reminded me a little too much of Lord of the Flies, but it’s not as deep. In a nutshell, that’s what I found most annoying about the film: it is pretentious, acting as though it’s about profound existential issues, yet it’s really just about anarchy and pleasure-seeking. I also couldn’t figure out what was so special about the beach. There are millions of deserted, beautiful beaches all over the world. What’s the big deal about this one (other than it’s a big secret)? Lamely executed concept, though an interesting premise. Main character goes looney toward the end, which I didn’t get at all.

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movie: X-Men

Excellent action-adventure, based on the Marvel comic. I love comic book adaptations when they are done seriously, and this one is. Comics are a fantasy medium, and thus work best when presented in an ultra-realistic fashion as the fantasy elements are less dismissable (and silly). While the story’s not too deep, it does involve the interesting concept of discrimination against mutants, and there was even some decent acting. Two thumbs up.

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