Mon, Oct 06, 2003

: Under the Tuscan Sun

In some ways I liked this better than I expected, and in others ways I liked it less. One of the one hand it is cute and funny and Diane Lane is perfectly awesome as always, but on the other the story is a bit of a downer and the ending drags on too long. This is one of those films that must fight that delicate balance between being too predictable so it’s boring or so unpredictable it’s unsatisfying. The story sets us up for idealistic romance — a freshly divorced woman, shattered, buys a villa while visiting Tuscany, and meets her true love… except that’s not exactly what happens. Sure, what does happen is more realistic, but it’s not exactly satisfying. The ending implies everything will be okay, but I still found it an annoyingly pat solution (particularly the way she ends up with a guy at the end after all the work to show us that she doesn’t need a guy to be happy). See this for the fun, the humor, and Diane Lane, not for the romance or anything remotely profound.

Topic: [/movie]
