Thu, Jul 22, 2004

movie: Mulholland Drive

Author: David Lynch

Director: David Lynch

This week is Lynch week, I guess. It’s been a while since I saw MD and on reviewing it again, it’s even more brilliant than I thought the first time. Lynch is unquestionably the deepest filmmaker ever, and he proves it with this movie. On the one level people can dismiss it as a mere gimmick, that the key twist toward the end is just a fun trick. For many filmmakers that would be the case. But not with Lynch. He begins where others stop. Where others stop at the gimmick and think that’s cool, that’s rad, he begins there and wraps the complex around that, going deeper and deeper into complex psychology of humanity. He reminds me of Philip K. Dick in that regard. Dick always had great twists but never relied on them. All I can say is that if you’ve only seen this film once, you haven’t seen it. And if you dismiss it, you’re dismissing it much too early. There are reasons for everything in a Lynch film, and while it can often feel random and bizarre, it’s not: there’s a pattern and explanation to everything. I shall have to write an essay on this film.

Topic: [/movie]
