Fri, Jan 07, 2005

travel: Mid-west Trip

Yesterday we drove to Maryville, near Knoxville, to visit my aunt and her husband (who is ill). It was a great visit. We also got to see my cousin Jodi (who I haven’t seen since I was a kid) and her family (she has three great children). Today we (I should say I) drove for eleven hours as we went from Maryville to Eminence, Missouri. That’s in the middle of the Ozark mountains near nothing. It’s about half-way between Paduca and Springfield, if that means anything. Anyway, it was a long, long drive across all of Tennessee, up into Kentucky for a spell, then halfway across Missouri. It rained a lot and there were flood warnings. Not long after we left Paduca there were reports on the radio of the Ohio river there flooding there. We were also delayed by a multi-car wreck on I-40 before Nashville. We saw two ambulances go by, but the main vehicle in the accident appeared to have gone over an embankment and we couldn’t see anything but the rescue workers. We did see a few other banged up vehicles that appeared to be rear-enders that couldn’t stop in time. It made me drive carefully, let me tell you. Fortunately the weather, while wet, wasn’t terrible. We got into Eminence late, missing most of the evening dinner reception, and after a short while at the dinner word was out that it was starting to freeze and people should get to their motels ASAP. Sure enough, as we were getting settled in our motel room, the rain had turned to sleet and was icing on the cars. The “outdoor” wedding scheduled for tomorrow has been changed to indoors, thank the Lord.

Topic: [/travel]
