movie: Saved!
I was very curious about this film. It sounded blasphemous as it’s a sort of parody of Christianity, but there were aspects that sounded promising as well. It turns out it isn’t sure what it is. It’s not an out-and-out attack on the Church, though it doesn’t seem pro-religion. It’s a comedy about Christianity, making fun of hypocrites and Christians, but it’s not really very funny. Much of what it mocks is true (even Christians don’t like Christian hypocrites), but much of the humor falls flat. The concept’s a neat idea but ineptly done. While it’s obvious the producers know something about Christianity, they are obviously not Christians, and their mockery comes across as an attack more than constructive criticism. I much prefer it when Christians do something like this. For example, musician and songwriter Steve Taylor’s the master at satric Christian attacks, but he does so wanting to help Christians see their own hypocrisy and get them back on the right track. This film just wants a cheap laugh and unfortunately, that’s all we’re left with. That’s not to say that the film doesn’t have some good moments (it has some bad moments as well). The casting of the innocent-looking Mandy Moore as the evil Christian hypocrite is ideal; in fact, everyone in the cast is pretty good. I liked certain aspects of the plot, which is about a good Christian girl who gets pregant and questions her faith, but unfortunately this isn’t a film that challenges intellect or discusses religion: instead it’s just a movie that takes obvious shots at “weird” Christian things, like religious jargon or speaking in tongues. It’s not a terrible film, but it could have been a realy great film if the creators had been more willing to go all out and
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