: Open Season
Not as good as I’d hoped: the trailer gives away the plot and the best jokes, but overall it’s not terrible. Just average, too predictable, and with a few distasteful scenes (I really don’t need to see animals crap on screen). The film’s inconsistent, at times running through jokes too fast to follow (the mini-mart scene), and at other times having long periods of minutes without much happening (such as the duo walking through the woods). Definitely not Pixar. The problem is the producers seem to think the characters are funny on their own. “A 900-lb pet bear. A mule deer with one antler. Ha ha!” The story is quite trite and deals entirely with stereotypes of hunters versus animals. There are definitely moments of fun, but only moments, and any cleverness feels forced, as though the writers wanted a particular thing to happen and made it, regardless of reality, plot, or character.
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