Fri, Dec 22, 2006

: Feast

Mildly interesting blood film (literally) about a strange creature attacking people trapped in a bar in remote area. I guess this was a “Project Greenlight” project, so it was by a first-time director. It had some style but was uneven and ultimately a meaningless splatterfest.

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: Night at the Museum

This is an extremely light film: it stretches the single-gimmick premise (all the exhibits in a museum come to life at night) as far as it can, and it tacks the whole thing onto a tender-hearted divorced-loser-dad-wants-to-impress-alienated-son storyline. Still, despite misteps and some awkward unfunny moments, it mostly works, primarily through the irrascible charm of star Ben Stiller and a few of the shinning co-stars (an elderly but spry Dick Van Dyke is wonderful as the former night watchman). Still, it cannot overcome the limitations of its premise, and there are a few too many sight gags and pratfalls for true humor, but overall for silly, mind-numbing fun, it’s not bad at all. There are definitely worse ways to waste your time.

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