Wed, Oct 15, 2008

: Body of Lies

I wasn’t expecting to like this as it seemed like a serious drama with political overtones and crap about the war, but to my surprise it turned out to be an excellent movie. There’s a lot more action than I expected, and though it’s talky at times, it’s fascinating talk, and it moves at a good pace. What really impressed me is that the plot is convoluted and yet I had no trouble following the story — they do an excellent job at conveying exactly what being a spy in the Middle East is like. The plot follows an American spy as he attempts to locate a certain terrorist leader, but the way they go about it is tricky and complicated, creating a fake terrorist that will make him jealous and draw him out. There’s a subplot involving the leader of the Jordanian security force who may or may not be an ally, and my favorite subplot which had the American romancing an Iranian woman living in Jordan. The romance was nothing like American-style dating: in one scene the man offers to shake the woman’s hand after a dinner and she refuses, for her sister is watching, and such “intimate” contact would be inappropriate, of course. Great stuff, with a dramatic ending, and some excellent performances.

Topic: [/movie]
