Thu, Dec 03, 2009

: August

Strange movie that sounded interesting: it’s about the downfall of a high-tech startup by two brothers. There are some cool moments and the lead character is certainly a character, but he’s an arrogant jerk and isn’t likeable so we are ultimately glad to see him fail. A bigger problem for me was the lack of information provided about what, exactly, the company did. There were hints and tech words dropped, but everything was vague, as though even the writer didn’t really know what the company did. That gave a vague feel to everything, and though it was clear enough why the company was failing (the business model didn’t work and revenue wasn’t coming in as originally projected as new technology had changes the landscape). The relationship of the brothers was also vague and stereotypical. (One is the tech genius, the other the public face and business guy — sound like two Steves you’ve heard about?) Ultimately, the film goes nowhere, nothing happens, we learn too little about anyone, and we don’t really care.

Topic: [/movie]
