Tue, Jun 22, 2010

: Jonah Hex

The reviews of this film are dreadful and I expected the worst, but you know what? It’s not that bad. It’s mildly fun, the Civil War era setting is interesting, and the plot… well, there isn’t much of a plot. The plot’s definitely one of the key weaknesses, and there are many flaws. The biggest flaw is haphazard nature of the story structure. We’re told of Jonah’s past in awkward flashbacks and dramatic glimpses which are supposed to be profound but come of bewildering and lame. Apparently Jonah killed the main bad guy’s son (who, I guess, betrayed him), and it’s the bad guy who brands Jonah’s face. But instead of telling that in a coherent linear fashion, the film jumps all around crazily, with the result that we don’t really care about any of the characters, even Jonah. The story is about how the bad guy is out to steal a “nation-killer” weapon just so he can blow up the world (he’s an angry guy). Not especially interesting or original, and too far-fetched for reality. But despite these problems, the film’s sort of fun in a campy way. It’s silly and absurd, and not at all the way I would I done this film, but I don’t think it’s the worst movie ever made by a long shot. Disappointing, I suppose, if you were expecting more.

Topic: [/movie]
